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info@totalvend.net 502.451.0111

Safe e-payments

Our kiosks make payments secure and simple. Customers have the options to pay with debit/credit card or their favorite mobile app for even more convenience!

Web Based Inventory Management

Our kiosks are directly linked to the web and use cloud-based reporting, which allows us to accurately manage inventory remotely.

Happy employee in Louisville using micro-market secure payment.

Digital Surveillance

Our cameras monitor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at your Louisville workplace micro-markets.

Fully Secured

Our micro-market kiosks are completely secure with no access to external ports or ways to access employees information.

Micro-market security in Louisville.

Opt for enhanced refreshment with micro-markets from Total Vend at 502.451.0111 or info@totalvend.net.