office coffee options in louisville

Coffee Offers Louisville Employees Another Health Benefit

office coffee options in louisville

Coffee’s reputation keeps getting better as scientists learn more about it. A recent study by Dr. Donald Weaver, Senior Scientist and Research Director of the Krembil Brain Institute examined how compounds in coffee might help the brain fight Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

During their research, they inspected coffee extract samples to understand, which proteins, if any, slowed the misfolding process of two proteins believed to be involved in Alzheimer’s disease and one protein involved in Parkinson’s disease.

Before we go any further, let’s take a quick and simplified look at what proteins do. First, the proteins that we’re talking about are not the type of proteins that we eat. These proteins are the ones inside a human cell that perform diverse and vital tasks. 

Proteins can change shape. The shape of a protein impacts how well it works. If a protein changes shape or folds correctly, everything should function as intended. When the protein doesn’t fold correctly, it is called misfolding and problems ensue. Now, back to the research.

The scientists were able to identify a type of protein called phenylindanes, but these proteins didn’t come from the caffeine in coffee. Instead, the proteins were the result of the roasting process. The longer the beans were roasted, the more proteins were produced. Whether the beans were regular or decaffeinated, it didn’t matter. As long as the beans were dark roasted, the potency and inhibition properties were similar.

The final conclusion was that phenylindanes play an important role by protecting the nervous system. And that might mean there’s a new tool to help fight Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. While it might appear that this new information isn’t relevant for your Louisville employees, there are many other reasons why a delicious and hot caffeinated beverage is good for your employees.

office coffee options in louisville

Improved memory, a short-term mental boost and better group performance

Caffeine has been found to provide a mental boost for 45 minutes after consuming it and to improve memory over the next 24 hours. Research by the Graduate School of Management at UC, Davis also found that caffeine has a positive impact on a group’s performance. 

Reduced risk for type-2 diabetes and heart disease

Four cups of coffee. That’s all the caffeine it takes to trigger a protective effect in the human heart according to researchers in Duesseldorf, Germany. The domino effect caused by the consumption of caffeine ends with the protection and repair of the heart muscle. 

Reduced risk for different types of cancer  

The International Agency for Research on Cancer determined, after reviewing 1000 previously completed studies, that coffee cannot be classified as a cause of cancer anymore. In fact, other researchers determined that coffee intake was associated with a reduced risk of oral, pharynx, liver, colon, prostate, melanoma and endometrial cancers. 

Reduced pain sensitivity for chronic pain sufferers

Scientists from Boston Children’s Hospital found that consuming caffeine may help decrease pain sensitivity in those with chronic pain. The consumed caffeine caused dopamine, a carrier of messages between nerve cells in the brain, to flood the brain’s pleasure center resulting in decreased pain sensitivity.

Offer your Louisville employees a delicious, gourmet coffee experience and the chance to boost their health with office coffee service from Total Vend. We will customize the perfect refreshment menu with healthy and traditional snacks and beverages as well as a variety of hot, caffeinated and decaffeinated beverages for your break room. For more information, please contact us at 502.451.0111.

bottled water options in louisville

Louisville Consumers Learn About Bottled Water

bottled water options in louisville

Did you know that there’s a podcast about bottled water? The International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) recently launched the podcast titled H2O In The Know. Each episode focuses on different water related topics including the current science on hydration, how to increase recycling rates, standards and regulations, and the taste of different types of waters. 

Jull Culora, IBWA Vice President of Communication, recently shared that “H2O In The Know offers consumers a great new way to learn interesting facts and stories about water, especially bottled water.” Let’s take a quick look at some of the questions that were discussed in the first episode. 

Before we get to the first question, you might be wondering what any of this has to do with you, a Louisville consumer. The answer is…a lot. 

Humans need water to survive. Research has shown that humans can last three maybe four days without consuming any water. But, that doesn’t mean that every bit of water on the earth is safe to be consumed. To understand if a certain type of water is good for human consumption, it is important to know more about that type of water. For the bottled water industry, specifically, the answers to the following questions will help Louisville consumers learn more about what they are drinking, and when it comes to things we consume, more knowledge is definitely better.

Are there regulations for bottled water?

The short answer is yes, there are. Bottled water is regulated at both the federal and state level and is considered a packaged food product by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In fact, the FDA regulations governing the safety and quality are as stringent as the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regulations that govern tap water.

bottled water options in louisville

Are there standards that pertain to only bottled water?

Again, the answer is yes. For the standards that focus on bottled water, the FDA has divided them into the following groups.

  • Standards of Identity: regulations that define the different types of bottled water
  • Standards of Quality: regulations that set maximum levels for contaminants that are allowed
  • Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP): regulations that set manufacturing parameters to ensure that food, including snack and beverages, is healthy to consume.

What  types of bottled water are available?

Per the FDA, there are six different types of bottled water available. They are spring water, purified water, mineral water, sparkling bottled water, artesian water or artesian well water, and well water. To help Louisville consumers know which type of water they have, the FDA also requires that each type of water be clearly printed on the label of each bottle of water. 

Now that you’re aware of some of the regulations and standards, use this information to help your Louisville employees by removing a potential concern that they shouldn’t have to think about during their day. Provide them with healthy vending machine beverages and snacks in their break room. For an extra bonus for your employees, offer snacks and beverages at a reduced or zero cost. Not only will they be hydrated and satiated, but morale will get a boost too.

For more information about offering healthy snacks and beverages in your workplace break room, contact Total Vend at 502.451.0111. We’ll help you create a customized, healthy menu that is sure to please everyone.