Louisville Vending Service | Cookie Snacks | National Cookie Day Image 2: Louisville Micro-Market | Healthy Snacks | Office Coffee & Cook

A Closer Look at a Louisville Favorite: The Chocolate Chip Cookie

Louisville Vending Service | Cookie Snacks | National Cookie Day Image 2: Louisville Micro-Market | Healthy Snacks | Office Coffee & Cook

In honor of August 4th, National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, we want to take a moment to highlight this much loved American classic. Chocolate chip cookies have become an iconic treat enjoyed by people of all ages. Whether you’re looking for a quick snack or a delightful pairing to your office coffee, these cookies never fail to satisfy. Let’s explore why a chocolate chip cookie is a great addition to any Louisville office break room.

The Chocolate Chip Cookie: A Sweet History

One of the reasons chocolate chip cookies are so popular is their rich history. The creation of the chocolate chip cookie can be traced back to Ruth Graves Wakefield in the 1930s. According to National Today, Wakefield was a talented chef and owner of the Toll House Inn. She invented this delightful treat when she ran out of baking chocolate and decided to use semi-sweet chocolate chunks instead. Little did she know that her baked treat would become a worldwide sensation. Today, chocolate chip cookies are a staple snack in offices everywhere, including our own Louisville vending machines.

A Cookie and Milk are a Classic Combo

Louisville Micro-Market | Healthy Snacks | Office Coffee & Cookie

Another reason why chocolate chip cookies are a fav in the office break room is the way they pair with milk. There’s something truly satisfying about dipping a baked chocolate chip cookie into a glass of cold milk. In fact, there’s a scientific reason behind the allure of this combo. The proteins in milk enhance the flavor of the cookie, making each bite even more delicious. So, next time you’re in the break room, grab a chocolate chip cookie and a glass of milk from your Louisville micro-market. You won’t regret it!

Speaking of micro-markets, these can offer a wide variety of snacks, beverages, and other convenience items for your break room. Then the staff has easy access to a range of food options, including fresh, yummy treats, and nutritious choices. It’s a great way to be able to satisfy cravings without leaving the office!

Louisville Office Coffee Service Enhancing

If you’re in need of a caffeine fix during your workday, eating a chocolate chip cookie with your cup of coffee is a great upgrade. The combo of the rich, smooth flavors of coffee and the sweet, chocolaty goodness of a cookie is a match made in heaven. Cookies and coffee have been enjoyed together for many years. So, next time you’re brewing a cup of single-cup coffee or using a bean-to-cup machine, grab a chocolate chip cookie to enhance your Louisville office coffee experience!

Chocolate chip cookies are a tasty add on to any office break room. Their rich history, perfect pairing with milk, and ability to enhance the coffee experience make them a go-to snack. Today or any day, make sure to indulge in this classic treat in your break room. It’s sure to make your workday a little sweeter!

Ready to learn more about how we can support your team? Contact Total Vend at 502.451.0111 or info@totalvend.net for more information about our Louisville micro-market, office coffee, office pantry, vending, or water filtration services. We look forward to working with you!

Louisville Healthy Vending | Office Snacks | Good For You

8 Better-for-You Snacks to Put in Your Louisville Break Room

Louisville Healthy Vending | Office Snacks | Good For You

Healthy employees are happy employees! Therefore, it’s essential for workplaces to support their team’s health and wellness with better-for-you break room options. From nutritious yet tasty snacks in your office vending machine to fresh options in your micro-market, there are plenty of ways to include healthy snacks employees love in your refreshment services.

If you’re not sure where to start, we can help you! Total Vend provides customized break room solutions to fit the needs of your employees and business. We’ll help you choose a high-quality selection of products that provide nutrients without sacrificing taste.

To start, here are some healthy at-work snacks to put in your Louisville office break room.

Popcorn is a Great Snack

Who doesn’t love popcorn? This satisfyingly salty snack combines great taste with convenience, as it’s easy to eat from your desk or on the go. Plus, it’s a high-fiber, whole-grain option, and low-calorie snack. Louisville employees won’t be able to get enough of it on their breaks!

Beef Jerky for Added Protein

Eating enough protein is the key to staying full and energized, especially on a busy work day. Beef jerky is a high-protein snack that will keep employees feeling full longer. Therefore, they’ll be able to stay alert and focused on their tasks. What’s more, jerky comes in a variety of fan-favorite flavors, such as teriyaki, pepper, or even sugar-free original.

Trail Mix Keeps Louisville Employees Full

A winning combination of nuts, dried fruit, seeds, and sometimes a sweet chocolate touch, trail mix is a break room must-have. Trail mix often has protein to keep you feeling full, as well as some sweetness to give you that afternoon pick-me-up. Employees can even buy the ingredients from the Louisville vending machine and make their own. It’s creative and delicious!

Yogurt is a Healthy Cold Food Option

If you have a Louisville micro-market, then chances are you have a cooler filled with healthy goodies. Take it a step further with yogurt as a healthy breakfast or snack option. It has protein, calcium, and bacteria that work to make our bodies feel their best — even on early Monday mornings!

Louisville Healthy Break Room Snacks | Refreshment Services | Fresh Food

Add Simple Snacks like String Cheese

String cheese is a classic snack, and for good reason. It’s a tasty, on-the-go option that is easy to eat. Not only that, but string cheese also offers calcium and protein to give employees a quick boost.

Hard-Boiled Eggs for an Office Breakfast

Another must-have snack for your onsite micro-market is hard-boiled eggs. They are a low-calorie yet nutrient-dense food that can be enjoyed at any time of the day. Whether they make a morning toast or toss it in their lunchtime salad, your team will appreciate the high-protein addition to the Louisville break room.

Dried Fruit Snacks are a Nutritious Treat

Fruit is a sweet treat that provides all the goodness without all of the empty calories and sugar. When it’s dry, it’s especially tasty and handy to eat at any time! Plus, all-natural dried fruit is full of the vitamins and nutrients we need to stay fueled, including Vitamin C.

Gluten-Free Options for All Employees

It’s important to consider employees who have dietary restrictions when making your snack and beverage vending selections. Look for baked chips or chips made from beans or puffed rice for a safe yet satisfying snack. These come in a variety of popular flavors so everyone at the Louisville office can find something they’ll love.

Upgrade Your Louisville Office Break Room with Healthy Snacks Now!

Give employees amazing break room services they’ll love, and let us help you do it! Contact Total Vend at 502.451.0111 or info@totalvend.net for more information about our micro-market, office coffee, office pantry, vending, or water filtration services. We look forward to working with you!

Healthy Vending Louisville | Workplace Snacks | Break Room Services

Use Healthy Break Room Refreshments To Boost Louisville Employee Satisfaction

Healthy Vending Louisville | Workplace Snacks | Break Room Services

Employees across the workforce continue to transition back to the office. So it’s important to provide them with a positive corporate environment. In fact, human resource executives believe wellness will become a new metric in how companies understand and retain their employees. And part of that means having great Louisville healthy break room services. After all, it’s where employees spend their time when not at their desks or in meetings. Therefore, upgrading your break room is a great opportunity to show support for your team and gain better employee satisfaction. And who wouldn’t want that?

Some things you might include in your new and improved break room are modern office coffee services, vending machines, and healthy food options. At Total Vend, we can provide it all.

So, are you ready to satisfy employees with your Louisville refreshment service? Keep reading for everything you need to know.

Get healthy break room snacks

It’s hard to eat healthy all the time, but excellent break room snacks can help. Ensure there are options for all employees, including those with dietary restrictions (vegan, gluten-free, etc). Start by filling your vending machines with good-for-you goodies, such as protein bars and dried fruit. When you work with us, you can request items that fit your nutritional standards. And remember, healthy employees equal happy employees!

Upgrade your Louisville office coffee service

There’s no better way to start a work day than with a good cup of coffee, especially when it’s free! Upgrade your break room with office coffee service. Opt for a single-cup coffee brewer so everyone can make their own individual drink. It’s also a good idea to include plant-based milk options and sugar-free sweeteners for healthy alternatives. Employees will surely appreciate the chance to customize their drinks. And of course, you’ll want to include tea options – such as green tea or black tea – for those non-coffee drinkers.

Louisville Office Coffee | Single Cup | Healthy Snacks in Break Room

Support mental and financial health too

Health is more than just healthy vending options. It also includes mental and financial well-being. Use the break room to have presentations, meditation times, and financial how-tos. You can do this in small groups and round table discussions to encourage employee support and a positive community. This gives employees a chance to connect, share solutions, and get to know each other better in a relaxed informal setting. It’s an excellent way to build workplace rapport and happiness

Entice employees with a better break room

Entice employees to take advantage of wellness programs, but don’t force them into it. They need to want to participate, so it’s important to provide them with excellent options. Offer free vending machines on certain days or order some drinks from your service provider to give away. It will keep employees satisfied and show that you notice their hard work. It’s a win-win!

Support your crew with Louisville healthy break room services!

Contact Total Vend at 502.451.0111 or info@totalvend.net for more information about our micro-market, office coffee, office pantry, or vending services. We look forward to working with you!

Vending Service Louisville | Snack Vending | Candy Bars | Company Culture

5 Candy Bars that will Elevate your Louisville Vending Service

Vending Service Louisville | Snack Vending | Candy Bars | Company Culture

This might come as a shock, but candy bars are some of the most popular products in your break room. Of course, that’s no surprise to us. We know that everyone loves a sweet treat every once in a while! Therefore, it’s a good idea to keep some popular candy bars in your Louisville snack vending machine. As a result, workers can go down the hall for their favorite candy bar fix. Lucky for you, providing the best break room snacks is easy with our advanced reporting technology. Plus, we have the data to back it up!

Do you want to upgrade your Louisville break room experience? If so, it’s important to make popular items available for your employees. So, are you ready to deliver sweet satisfaction to your employees? Read below for five of the most popular candy bars!

Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Bar – The Ultimate Choice in Candy Bars

Hershey’s chocolate is a tried and true classic. It’s simple, sweet, and cures every sugar craving that might surface during the day. Therefore, workers will be happy to see this in your Louisville micro-market. Plus, it’s a great addition to any snack or a sweet side for their morning cup of coffee. However they choose to eat their Hershey’s chocolate bar, it’s a must have in every break room!

Milky Way – A Galactic Treat

Is there anything better than biting into the chewy goodness of a Milky Way chocolate bar? We don’t think so! Everyone in the office is sure to reach for a Milky Way on their lunch break. It’s filled with chewy soft caramel and nougat, making for a wonderful afternoon delight. So, be sure to include this treat on your Louisville office pantry service menu!

Louisville Refreshment Services | Candy Bars | Coffee Service | Popular Products

Kit-Kat – A Match Made in Heaven

Chocolate and wafer cookies are the perfect combination. Anyone who’s tried a Kit-Kat bar would likely agree! Kit-Kat candy bars can be split into four uniform pieces, making them easy to share among co-workers in the break room. For an instant boost to your Louisville vending machine service, this sharable option is a great addition!

Cookies ‘N Cream – A Unique Twist on a Classic

Hershey’s does it again, but this time with a unique and tasty flavor! These white chocolate candy bars include small pieces of chocolate cookies. Can you say, “Yum!” Keeping these in your Louisville break room will satisfy every employee’s sweet tooth.

Snickers – The Triple Threat of Candy Bars

Snickers take the cake when it comes to packing delicious flavor into a single bite. They include caramel and peanuts rolled in nougat and covered in milk chocolate. With those ingredients, what’s not to love? Therefore, adding these to your break room line up will be a sweet surprise for everyone!

Looking for more ways to improve your Louisville vending service and company culture? We can help! Contact us at Total Vend or call 502.451.0111 today to get started!

Louisville Snack Vending Machine | Dark Chocolate | Healthy Products | Positive Lifestyle Choices

Why Dark Chocolate is a Louisville Break Room Must-Have

Louisville Snack Vending Machine | Dark Chocolate | Healthy Products | Positive Lifestyle Choices

Did you know, that dark chocolate can help boost your Louisville break room experience? Yep, that’s right! As industry experts, we know a thing or two about quality refreshment services. And choosing premium products, like dark chocolate can make big impact on your company.

There are a few things to consider when stocking your Louisville break room. For instance, one snack option that’s sure to satisfy everyone at the office is dark chocolate! This sweet treat is a must-have in every Louisville snack vending machine. Not yet convinced? Keep reading to learn why!

Dark Chocolate Health Benefits

First, dark chocolate is a healthy alternative to other chocolate candies. Therefore, it’s a good idea to include it in your Louisville micro-market. A few key benefits of eating it include heart disease prevention, mood-boosting properties, and improved blood flow. In addition, it’s packed with healthy nutrients. Therefore, offering it can help keep your team happy and healthy. Not to mention, it tastes delicious!

It Pairs Well With Everything

Second, it pairs well with pretty much anything! For example, dark chocolate-covered dried fruit and trail mix are great snack options. Additionally, it goes nicely with a fresh cup of coffee. Therefore, including this treat in the break room is a great way to improve your company’s Louisville office coffee service experience. Moreover, it can help curb those late afternoon sugar cravings. Who doesn’t love that?!

Boosts Corporate Wellness Efforts

Finally, it can improve your Louisville corporate wellness program. No, we’re not kidding! Even though it might seem small, adding this delicious treat to your break room can have a positive impact. When you opt for a quality vending service, your company culture and employee satisfaction will soar!

So, are you looking for new ways to upgrade your Louisville refreshment services and company culture at the same time? We thought so! Contact us at Total Vend or call us at 502.451.0111 today. We can’t wait to get started!

Louisville Workplace Refreshments | Break Room Solutions | Healthy Snack Vending

Louisville Break Room Snack Trends Throughout 2021

Louisville Workplace Refreshments | Break Room Solutions | Healthy Snack Vending

Everyone loves a good snack. Therefore, it’s a great idea to stay on top of the latest and greatest snacking trends! When it comes to corporate wellness, employees want to feel taken care of and satisfied while at work. That’s why it’s important to consider upgrading your Louisville office pantry service by adding healthy snacks and drinks to your company kitchen. Everyone will appreciate the variety of better-for-you options available to them. As a result, knowing today’s food and wellness trends can improve overall company culture and employee happiness.

Ready to stock your break room with this year’s most popular snacks? Check out 2021’s trendiest snacks to add to your Louisville break room services below.

Immunity-Boosting Snacks

2020 was a year that brought our health and wellness to the forefront. As a result, 2021’s best snacks are all about building a healthy immune system from the inside out. So, what makes for an immunity-boosting snack? Basically, it’s anything that’s packed with healthy vitamins and nutrients. Particularly, superfoods with probiotics are a great choice. Some snacks you can add to your Louisville micro-market are bananas, yogurt, almonds, and sunflower seeds!

Low-Sugar Snack Items

Now more than ever, people are looking for healthy alternatives to their favorite comfort foods. Therefore, employees will be happy to see low-sugar items in the office kitchen. Snacks and drinks that are low in sugar are one of this year’s most popular trends. So, stock options like fruit, flavored water, low-sugar protein bars in your Louisville snack vending machines!

Louisville Healthy Snack Vending Machines | Eco-Friendly Practices | Green Vending Machines


Surprised to hear that seaweed is one of this year’s popular snacks? Well, it is! And for good reason. In fact, seaweed contains iodine, iron, and magnesium. It packs a nutritious punch into a simple and easy-to-eat snack. Some seaweed snack options include dried seaweed, seaweed chips, and seaweed popcorn. Yes, seaweed popcorn is a thing!

Sustainably-Made Snack Products

Last but certainly not least of 2021’s most trendy snacks include food that is made with eco-friendly practices. Consumers are more concerned than ever with where their food is coming from. They are also considering the effects that their daily choices have on the planet, including what they eat and drink. Therefore, sustainably-made snacks will make a great addition to your Louisville refreshment services.

Looking for more ways to improve your Louisville break room’s snack game? Contact us at Total Vend or call us at 502.451.0111 to level up today!

Louisville Alternative Snack Choices | Better-for-You | Healthy Break Room

The Importance of Healthy Louisville Break Room Solutions

Louisville Alternative Snack Choices | Better-for-You | Healthy Break Room

Making healthy food choices is beneficial for every employee. It helps your team reach their wellness goals. Moreover, healthy snacks keep them fueled throughout the day. Offering healthy options in your break room boosts Louisville corporate wellness. Additionally, it enables your staff to work smarter, not harder.

Here are four reasons why you should stock healthy snacks in your Louisville break room solutions.

1. Lowers Stress Levels

Firstly, deadlines and meetings can cause higher stress levels. However, with proper nutrition, your employees will feel their best. Offering healthy foods in your Louisville micro-market can help. For example, eating a balanced diet can regulate hormone levels and help your team better cope with stress.

2. Promotes Productivity and Healthy Energy

Promote productivity and positive lifestyle choices by including Louisville healthy vending machines in your break room. By stocking your workplace with wholesome foods, your employees can enjoy increased energy. Furthermore, your business will experience enhanced workflow and productivity levels!

3. Better Immunity and Fewer Sick Days

Louisville Workplace Culture | Workplace Satisfaction | Healthy Office Morale

As we head into the colder months, many workers can experience sniffles and sneezes. Offices that provide their employees with Louisville healthy pantry services can boost their immune systems. For instance, nutrition-dense foods like low-fat yogurt and nuts prevent illness.

By providing healthier options in your Louisville break room, your team can feel their best. What’s more, healthier employees equate to fewer sick days used. Consequently, this helps your business save money while getting more work done!

4. Shows Your Staff You Care

Want to instantly improve employee morale? Show your staff that you care with a Louisville wellness initiative! Having a well-stocked break room demonstrates that your company cares about your team’s wellness. As a matter of fact, complimentary office pantry services that offer nutritious foods let your employees know that their wellbeing matters.

This will dramatically decrease employee turnover. What’s more, employees will feel more connected to your company and increase your workplace satisfaction.

Does Your Louisville Office Need Healthy Options?

By offering healthy snacks in your Louisville break room, your employees will feel happier and healthier. Equally important, it helps them to be more productive. If you want to upgrade your break room solutions, call Total Vend today at 502.451.0111. We look forward to chatting with you!

Louisville Snack Options | Vending Service | Break Room Solutions

How Rotating Your Louisville Break Room Snack Options Benefits Employees

Louisville Snack Options | Vending Service | Break Room Solutions

Variety is the spice of life. This certainly applies to food. In fact, a meal or snack that includes a variety of foods has been shown to lower the risk of malnutrition. Diverse food choices also increase happiness and heighten the snacking experience.

To promote wellness in the workplace and boost employee satisfaction, Louisville businesses should offer their staff a variety of healthy snack and refreshment options.

Here’s how diverse vending machine options can benefit your workplace culture.

Employees Crave Snack Options

Stocking your Louisville micro-market and vending machines with new and trendy products will stir-up excitement. Employees are turning to their office break room to discover new snack brands.

To encourage your staff to revisit office vending machines throughout the workday, offer them more than the popular products they already love. Consider healthier options such as granola bars, nuts, and low-calorie chips. Premium teas and specialty coffee drinks are also sure to be a big hit.

The element of surprise in your break room product selection will keep employees engaged and curious.

Promote Wellness

Having Louisville vending machines that are full of diverse snack and beverage options can help employees healthy and energized. Healthy snacks with high nutritional values can promote workplace wellness. Moreover, healthy employees are more productive, have more energy, and able to efficiently tackle their to-do lists.

Consider offering employees gluten-free or vegan-friendly snacks. They will appreciate the variety of healthy options available to them.

Fresh, Local Coffee

There’s nothing better than a fresh cup of high-quality coffee first thing in the morning. Make the switch from ground coffee to bean-to-cup machines. Louisville businesses that offer fresh, organic coffee allow employees to enjoy workplace culture more. Additionally, your staff will appreciate that their coffee came from a local and sustainable source and feel instantly energized!

Single-cup coffee machines are eco-friendly and guilt-free. These break room beverage options give your staff the best of both worlds!

Louisville Snack Choices | Office Coffee | Refreshment Options | Workplace Culture

Employees Love Specialty Drink Options

In addition to fresh coffee, offices should offer employees a variety of coffee alternatives. Transform your Louisville break room into a café by allowing employees to enjoy teas, lattes, cappuccinos, and more.

There’s also numerous coffee alternatives can elevate the workplace break room experience and promote employee satisfaction.

If an employee prefers cold beverages, be sure to provide that choice too! Healthy juices, refreshing sparkling waters, and yummy teas all make excellent options.

Offer Your Employees More Snack Variety

Total Vend is the prime choice when it comes to offering diverse snack options in the break room. Enhance your employees’ break room experiences by stocking your break room with a variety of brand selections.

To learn how our team can diversify your workplace vending machine options, visit us at Total Vend or call 502.451.0111. We look forward to partnering with you!

Candy on Louisville Break Room Menu

Why Candy Should Be on Your Louisville Break Room Menu

Candy on Louisville Break Room Menu

What is your favorite type of candy? Is it something made with chocolate or without? According to The Daily Meal, the answer may depend on the state you live in. M&M’s came in first with 13 states followed by Skittles (10 states), Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups (7 states), Snickers (4 states), Sour Patch Kids (4 states), Jolly Ranchers (3 states), Kit Kat (2 states), Starburst (2 states), Twix (2 states), and Hershey Bars, Milky Way, and Swedish Fish each got one state a piece. While each of the above candies tastes quite different, they all have one thing in common—they have the ability to boost one’s mood, especially during the past six months.

New data from the National Confectioners Association found that the overall sale of candy and chocolate has gone up 3.8 percent since March 2020. Chocolate sales increased by 5.5 percent and premium chocolate sales jumped by 12.5 percent during the same time period. Compared to a decrease of 1.3 percent from 2018-2019 for all chocolate and an increase of only 0.8 percent for non-chocolate candy, this year’s numbers are a big deal.

Whether a Louisville consumer’s preference for a sweet treat is candy, chocolate, or even something healthy, employers have an opportunity to offer their employees some stress relief via the break room. Providing a variety of options in the break room also encourages employees to stay on-site instead of leaving during the workday.


Creating a customized menu with traditional snacks like candy and chocolate as well as better-for-you snack options makes sure that there is something for everyone. It’s not unusual for the same individual to choose a cookie or bag of potato chips one day and a protein bar the next. Snacks also help to provide an energy boost until the next time an employee can grab a meal.

Candy on Louisville Break Room Menu

Hot and Cold Beverages

A well-rounded beverage menu should include a selection of both cold and hot caffeinated and non-caffeinated beverages. Caffeinated options such as coffee or soft drinks can provide a quick energy boost for those who need it while bottled water and hot or iced tea help Louisville employees stay properly hydrated.

Fresh Food

Since many Louisville individuals, especially Millennials, prefer to snack on multiple mini meals throughout the day instead of eating the traditional three meals per day, access to fresh food is especially important. Without on-site options, those employees are likely to spend extra time off-site purchasing fresh food.

Total Vend is here to help your organization customize the best refreshment option for your employees especially in the time of COVID-19. For more information about our traditional and healthy snack, beverage, and fresh food options, vending and micro-market services, and our office coffee service, please contact us at 502.451.0111. We would like to help create a refreshment menu that helps decrease everyone’s stress levels.

Traditional and Healthy Snacks in Louisville

Snacks and 3 Important Characteristics in Louisville

Traditional and Healthy Snacks in Louisville

Snacks have many different purposes. For some Louisville individuals, they are a meal replacement while for other individuals they are a treat or a reason to gather with colleagues or friends. Just as there are different characteristics that make people unique, there are many reasons why individuals choose to snack.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic triggered drastic changes in how Louisville employees live and work, snacks have become even more essential for many individuals. According to a recent U.S. Snack Index survey “85% of respondents said eating their favorite snack makes them feel normal.” Some of those favorites are potato chips, popcorn, and corn chips. In this time of great change, small things that create a sense of normalcy are important since they can positively impact mental health. 

But snacking on one’s favorites isn’t the only thing survey participants want. They still prefer easily accessible snacks over ones that are harder to acquire, and they want variety or the option to try new products. In fact, 86 percent of survey participants said that the most important factor in deciding about what to snack on is convenience while 83 percent said sticking with a favorite ranks at the top.


Many Louisville employers have been presented with a new opportunity to make sure their snack and beverage menus offer what their employees want. It’s worthwhile to take the time to ask employees about their preferences. Considering your employees’ opinions sends them a message that says, “We value you.” 

Traditional and Healthy Snacks in Louisville

With only 47 percent of survey participants saying they could locate all the snacks they wanted while shopping, employers have been presented with a new opportunity to increase convenience and customize their break room benefits. Offering on-site refreshments not only ups the convenience factor but they also encourage employees to stay on-site during breaks and meals. 

Less time spent off-site increases employee productivity and hopefully decreases the risk of infection. Gathering on-site in small groups during breaks also creates essential moments that can be used to rebuild morale and the office community that has been missing with fewer employees in the office.

Something New

Even though survey participants placed a heavy focus on snacking on their favorites, they are still interested in trying new snacks. In the survey, Millennials and Gen Z represented the largest and most adventurous demographic. A few things to consider, in addition to convenience, when thinking about what Millennials and Gen Z are looking for with new choices are healthy options, high-protein, low calorie snacks, options with a low environmental footprint, and trustworthy brands.  

How successfully does your Louisville break room menu meet your employees’ refreshment needs? Whether you need to make a complete overhaul or just a few changes, Total Vend is available to help. We offer a wide variety of traditional and healthy snacks and beverages as well as contactless payment options to help keep everyone safe. For more information, please call us at 502.451.0111. We look forward to hearing from you.