Despite the cooler temperatures, employees can still battle dehydration in the winter. As a result, they can get headaches, dizziness, and kidney problems. In extreme cases, being dehydrated leads to seizures and heatstroke. Yikes!
To avoid dehydration, encourage employees to drink more water. A Louisville water filtration service can help. Here’s how to use it to fight dehydration in your workplace.
Counter Dehydration with Delicious Water
Nothing is better at fighting dehydration than water. Drinking plenty of it can improve your mood, prevent infections, and boost productivity. Thus, employees feel great. They’ll also be able to work harder and stay healthy. As a result, your staff might take fewer sick days.
Louisville filtered water coolers make water taste superb. Additionally, they’re great for break rooms of all sizes. That’s because they come in countertop and floor-standing models. Advanced filtration removes chemicals and yucky odors.
Better yet, filtered water units offer cold or hot water on demand. Employees can have easy access to cool, crisp water. Or, they can make delectable cups of hot tea and coffee. This enhances your Louisville office coffee services.
Add Fun Reminders to the Work Day

Your workday can quickly become packed with meetings and tasks. This can make it hard to stay hydrated. Busy employees might forget to drink water. As such, it’s important to remind your team to stay healthy.
Keep employees hydrated with fun reminders. For instance, give each employee a reusable water bottle. They can keep these on their desks. When they see their water bottle, employees will be reminded to drink water. They can fill up their bottle at the filtered water cooler.
Best of all, this makes your office greener. Reusable water bottles reduce landfill waste and lower your carbon footprint.
Upgrade to a Flavored Water Cooler
Some filtered water coolers aren’t just for break rooms. They are wonderful additions to Louisville office pantry service. That’s because these water filtration options allow you to customize your beverages. For example, you can add different flavors to your drinks. Or, you can carbonize your water.
Your staff will love personalizing their complimentary drinks. They can also grab their favorite office pantry snacks. A glass of water pairs perfectly with healthy snacks like nuts or crackers.
Hydrate with Micro-Market Snacks
Want other options to keep your team from getting dehydrated? Consider requesting your Louisville micro-market be stocked with some fruit. For example, watermelon and strawberries are packed with water. Employees can enjoy them as snacks. Or, they can have them as a side for lunch. What a yummy way to stay hydrated!
Stop Workplace Dehydration
To conclude, a Louisville water filtration service and hydration-promoting snacks can keep headaches, dizziness, and health problems at bay. Ensure your employees have all-day access to fresh water that even makes your coffee taste better. Plus, give them good-quality snacks.
Need help keeping your Louisville break room employee ready? Refreshment services from Total Vend can help. To learn more, call us today at 502.451.0111.