Does your Louisville break room need an update? If so, now’s the time to do it! A revamped break room creates an office oasis where employees can escape from their desks. Thus, they’ll recharge and be more productive. This boosts business output.
So, how can you update your break room? Try a Louisville micro-market! Keep reading to learn why it’s a great choice.
1. Options Galore!
Micro-markets are small on-site stores. They have glass-front coolers, racks, and shelves. Therefore, there’s more room for variety! Fresh foods are stocked in the coolers and the shelves are stuffed with snacks. Employees can buy Louisville healthy meals. For example, they can get wraps or salads. They can also get hydrating drinks and sweet treats.
Micro-markets have more snack options than Louisville vending machines! Thus, employees can enjoy delicious and nutritious food right in the office.
2. Quick and Convenient
In fast-paced offices, there’s no time to wait. Thankfully, micro-markets let employees skip long drives to the store. They’ll also avoid never-ending checkout lines. Why? Micro-markets offer self-checkout kiosks. They also have cashless payment options. Pay with your card or mobile wallet. Simply grab what you need, epay, and go!
Want even more convenience? Ask Total Vend about employee micro-market accounts. This is also a great way to reward your team. Add funds to their accounts. Or, consider subsidizing your micro-market. You’ll cover some or all costs. Thus, employees can enjoy discounted snacks. This can be a good way to offer Louisville office pantry service in your break room. It’ll also skyrocket employee satisfaction!
3. Healthy Habits Made Easy
Micro-markets help employees make healthier choices. How? They can pick up and inspect products. They can also read labels. None of the items are behind glass. Check the food and dates for optimal freshness. Plus, if they don’t want an item, they can always put it back.

4. Update Your Break Room with Fresh Selections
Speaking of freshness, micro-markets have more room for fresh items. This includes healthy foods and snacks. Get sandwiches, salads, soups, and more! You can also offer dairy and kosher items.
Total Vend ensures our food is always fresh. Additionally, we regularly change our menu. Thus, employees can enjoy more options. They’ll be excited to see what’s up next!
5. Safe and Secure
Total Vend is committed to your employees’ safety. Therefore, we use advanced break room technology. For example, we’ll outfit your micro-market with security cameras. They’ll keep an eye out around the clock. This reduces theft.
Additionally, our kiosks keep sensitive information safe. That’s because they have smart electronic payment safety features. There are no external access points. With us, your staff is in good hands!
Update Your Break Room with a Micro-Market!
As you can see, a micro-market is a great addition to your Louisville office. Employees will enjoy fresh foods, more convenience, and enhanced security.
Call Total Vend today at 502.451.0111. We’ll have micro-markets and vending services that can give your break room a boost! We’re excited to hear from you!