Louisville Vending Machines | Employee Break Room | Waiting Room Snacks

5 Places You’ll Find Louisville Vending Machines and Why They’re a Benefit

Louisville Vending Machines | Employee Break Room | Waiting Room Snacks

Vending machines are a convenience staple in Louisville. They offer quick, affordable snacks and drinks in seconds. No staff is needed to operate them and they are always open and ready for use. This makes a big difference to employees and customers. 

Let’s explore the where and why of different vending machine locations. Chances are there’s one near you right now. 

1. Employee Break Rooms

A break room is one of the most common places for a vending machine. And for good reason! Employees need easy food options at work. Thus, having snacks and drinks on-site saves them time and money. No rushing to find lunch—everything is right there.

Total Vend likes to stock a mix of healthy options and classic snacks in Louisville break room vending machines. This gives staff plenty of choices and supports well-being.

2. Waiting Rooms

If a business has a waiting area, chances are good it also has a vending machine. Think about car dealerships, beauty salons, and medical offices. These are places where customers may wait a while for service. Having trendy vending snacks and cold drinks available can keep them comfortable. That’s a benefit because a satisfied client is more likely to return and give a positive review!

Louisville Healthy Micro Market | Modern Vending | Guest Experience

3. Vending Machines at Louisville Rest Stops

Road trips can be long and tiring. When drivers pull over to stretch, vending machines can offer a quick energy boost. They make it easy to grab a caffeinated cold drink or bottle of water no matter the time, day or night. Being able to stay focused and hydrated helps keep drivers alert and safe on the road. 

4. Hotel Lobbies

A vending machine in the lobby of a hotel is a welcome touch for travelers. Guests and visitors may arrive hungry or thirsty. Refreshments within easy reach make them feel seen and valued. They can get what they need around the clock. Thus, a lobby vending machine is a simple way to improve their visit.

5. Malls and Entertainment Venues

People flock to malls and entertainment venues, often spending hours there. Vending machines avoid grumbling stomachs during these long visits. It’s easy to enjoy their great-tasting snack and drink offerings. This is especially true thanks to cashless payment technology. Vending machine users can skip scrounging for cash and pay with a credit card or their mobile wallet. 

Louisville Vending Machines Make Life Better

No matter where you go in Louisville, at some point, you will see a vending machine. They are useful refreshment solutions ideal for many places, from modern staff break rooms to strip malls. Top-notch snacks, food, and drinks are offered 24/7. Plus, paying is easy with modern technology. If you need vending for your Louisville business, Total Vend has the equipment and local experience to help. Contact us online or call 502.451.0111 to find the best solution. We’ll customize it just for you.

Micro-Markets Louisville | Healthy Office Snacks | Update Break Room Food

5 Reasons a Louisville Micro-Market Will Update Your Break Room

Micro-Markets Louisville | Healthy Office Snacks | Update Break Room Food

Does your Louisville break room need an update? If so, now’s the time to do it! A revamped break room creates an office oasis where employees can escape from their desks. Thus, they’ll recharge and be more productive. This boosts business output.

So, how can you update your break room? Try a Louisville micro-market! Keep reading to learn why it’s a great choice.

1. Options Galore!

Micro-markets are small on-site stores. They have glass-front coolers, racks, and shelves. Therefore, there’s more room for variety! Fresh foods are stocked in the coolers and the shelves are stuffed with snacks. Employees can buy Louisville healthy meals. For example, they can get wraps or salads. They can also get hydrating drinks and sweet treats.

Micro-markets have more snack options than Louisville vending machines! Thus, employees can enjoy delicious and nutritious food right in the office.

2. Quick and Convenient

In fast-paced offices, there’s no time to wait. Thankfully, micro-markets let employees skip long drives to the store. They’ll also avoid never-ending checkout lines. Why? Micro-markets offer self-checkout kiosks. They also have cashless payment options. Pay with your card or mobile wallet. Simply grab what you need, epay, and go!

Want even more convenience? Ask Total Vend about employee micro-market accounts. This is also a great way to reward your team. Add funds to their accounts. Or, consider subsidizing your micro-market. You’ll cover some or all costs. Thus, employees can enjoy discounted snacks. This can be a good way to offer Louisville office pantry service in your break room. It’ll also skyrocket employee satisfaction!

3. Healthy Habits Made Easy

Micro-markets help employees make healthier choices. How? They can pick up and inspect products. They can also read labels. None of the items are behind glass. Check the food and dates for optimal freshness. Plus, if they don’t want an item, they can always put it back.

Louisville Vending Machines | Employee Benefits | Update Vending Technology

4. Update Your Break Room with Fresh Selections

Speaking of freshness, micro-markets have more room for fresh items. This includes healthy foods and snacks. Get sandwiches, salads, soups, and more! You can also offer dairy and kosher items.

Total Vend ensures our food is always fresh. Additionally, we regularly change our menu. Thus, employees can enjoy more options. They’ll be excited to see what’s up next!

5. Safe and Secure

Total Vend is committed to your employees’ safety. Therefore, we use advanced break room technology. For example, we’ll outfit your micro-market with security cameras. They’ll keep an eye out around the clock. This reduces theft.

Additionally, our kiosks keep sensitive information safe. That’s because they have smart electronic payment safety features. There are no external access points. With us, your staff is in good hands!

Update Your Break Room with a Micro-Market!

As you can see, a micro-market is a great addition to your Louisville office. Employees will enjoy fresh foods, more convenience, and enhanced security.

Call Total Vend today at 502.451.0111. We’ll have micro-markets and vending services that can give your break room a boost! We’re excited to hear from you!

Louisville Office Coffee Services | Single-Cup Brewer | Break Room Solutions

3 Clever Louisville Coffee Services to Consider for Your Break Room

Louisville Office Coffee Services | Single-Cup Brewer | Break Room Solutions

Coffee is a key part of any office. So is innovation. When paired together, your break room experience is transformed. That’s what we do in our Louisville office coffee services. We make coffee at work even better.

Keep reading to learn why you and your staff will love these advancements in office coffee.

Water Filtration Service Improves Coffee

Water filtration is now easier than ever with our plumbed-in Louisville water filtration service. And using filtered water to make coffee gives you a better flavor. Why? Because the water filtration system removes chemicals in the water that can alter the taste. After all, coffee is mostly water. This elevates all coffee, including traditional office coffee brewers.

Brewing with filtered water has other benefits too. It can extend the life of your coffee brewer by eliminating dissolved particles in the water that stick to metal. This is often called scale. A coffee brewer with scale build-up will use more energy to heat. Therefore, a water filtration system can save energy. That makes it eco-friendly too.

Finally, filtered water just tastes better. This makes employees more likely to drink it. Plus, we offer floor-standing and counter-top filtered water dispensers that have both hot and cold water options. Now the delicious water is on-demand, which is a healthy beverage option.

Single-Cup Coffee Services

Louisville Vending Services | Micro-Market | Bean-to-Cup Coffee Brewer

Single-cup coffee brewers changed coffee making at home and at work. By using a pod, coffee can be made by the cup. Our Louisville single-cup coffee service includes modern brewers that can handle being used over and over. They are quick and have many flavor options. Let your employees pick coffee from around the globe. They can even customize the strength and brew time.

You can make other things in single-cup coffee brewers too. There are pods for soups and lots of hot teas. This makes it a versatile solution that your team will love.

Bean-to-Cup Machines

The newest way to bring coffee drinks to the break room is Louisville bean-to-cup service. Place your espresso or coffee-based drink order via the touchscreen and it will do the rest. It selects whole beans from the hopper, grinds them to the ideal size, and brews the perfect espresso. Then it adds milk, sugar, or flavoring to make cappuccinos, lattes, and more.

The bean-to-cup brewer offers a coffee shop experience in the space of a traditional office coffee machine. It’s a great addition to other innovative break room solutions. This includes touchless Louisville vending machines. Or open, inviting Louisville micro-markets.

Innovate in the Break Room with Total Vend Coffee Services

Keep your break room on the cutting edge with updated office coffee. Try adding water filtration to improve flavor and health. Or, let your staff brew fresh coffee by the cup. We have many options for you to consider.

Contact Total Vend today at 502.451.0111 to discuss office coffee options. Or for more information on vending services, micro-markets, and office pantry service. We look forward to hearing from you.

Louisville Break Room Services | Vending Snacks | Employee Retention

How to Make Your Break Room a Powerful Louisville Employee Retention Tool

Louisville Break Room Services | Vending Snacks | Employee Retention

Employee retention is more important than ever. That’s because hiring new workers is more expensive than engaging current ones. Thus, retention can improve your bottom line. Plus, the pool of top talent is shrinking. It’s tough to find quality candidates. Therefore, retaining employees sets the stage for your company’s success.

But how can you retain more employees? With a better Louisville break room! Keep reading to learn how to make your break room a powerful retention tool.

More Options Can Boost Retention

Every person is different. And every employee has their personal preferences. Meet everyone’s needs by offering more options. How? Consider getting a Louisville micro-market. These mini-stores carry endless varieties. Employees can buy almost anything they want right on-site. For example, there are fresh foods and cold beverages in glass-front coolers. We also stock the micro-market racks full of healthy snacks.

Total Vend also offers healthy snacks for your Louisville vending machines. We’ll learn about your team’s preferences. This way, we can customize a menu that exceeds their expectations! We carry dried fruits, granola bars, nuts, jerky, and more.

You can also offer more coffee options in your break room. Stock your coffee bar with flavored creamers. Or try a single-cup brewer. These make all types of coffees. Plus, every cup is fresh. Employees can enjoy traditional Louisville office coffee and specialty drinks.

Better Break Room Services

Louisville Micro-Market | Office Coffee | Staff Retention

Premium break room solutions wow employees. Thus, they’ll feel rewarded without raises. For starters, try a Total Vend office pantry. This gives workers access to free food. Keep your pantry stocked with an array of goodies, such as nuts and cereal. This makes it easy—and affordable—for employees to stay fueled.

Or, try Louisville bean-to-cup machines. These brewers make coffee, lattes, and cappuccinos. Employees can make gourmet drinks with the touch of a screen. Plus, they’ll love the café sounds and smells. A bean-to-cup brewer turns the break room into a coffee shop!

Workplace wellness also boosts retention because employees want to feel their best. And they want you to help! Keep employees hydrated with water filtration services. This makes water taste fresh and encourages employees to drink more water. Therefore, they’ll stay healthy, hydrated, and happy.

Total Vend Helps Louisville Businesses Improve Retention

Stop losing employees to your competition. Our break room services will help you retain more workers. Support their health goals with better-for-you products and water filtration. You can also give them more options with micro-markets and premium coffee brewers.

Want to learn more? Contact Total Vend today at 502.451.0111. We look forward to hearing from you!

Louisville Vending Snacks | Seasonal Holiday Coffee | Micro-Market Service

3 Ways to Bring Holiday Trends to Your Louisville Break Room

Louisville Vending Snacks | Seasonal Holiday Coffee | Micro-Market Service

Bring holiday good cheer to your Louisville break room. Brightening your break room during the holidays can boost everyone’s mood and motivate employees to stay productive. At Total Vend, we’re here to help create a positive workplace environment throughout this festive time. One of the best ways to do that is in the break room.

3 Holiday Trends for Your Louisville Break Room

Here are three ways break room refreshments and services can make the holiday season even more enjoyable for your team:

1. Offer Free Holiday Snacks

Around the holidays, it’s fun to show employees you care by offering them free snacks. You can do this by putting your Louisville vending machines on free vend. Or if you have a Louisville micro-market, add some money to each employee account. It’s like a special holiday gift from your company to your team. Get in touch with Total Vend to learn how you can offer free holiday snacks.

We can also stock your Louisville break room with all your seasonal favorites. From holiday-themed candy to popular baked goods, turn your break room into a festive space where employees can enjoy a well-deserved treat. We can even include healthy holiday snack options. Let us know what your goals are and we can help stock your break room with a great selection of snacks.

2. Add Holiday Flavors to Your Louisville Office Coffee Service

Louisville Office Coffee | Healthy Foods | Break Room Holiday Solutions

Boost your Louisville office coffee experience with flavored creamers full of holiday cheer. Peppermint is merry. Gingerbread warms you right up. Cinnamon is another popular choice that can spice up your coffee station. Or, consider adding mini marshmallows for those who prefer hot chocolate.

If you have a single-cup coffee brewer, add a selection of flavored coffee pods. Just a few options to try include chocolate, mocha, and caramel. These flavor pods add a burst of holiday spirit to each cup.

3. Provide Seasonal Tea Flavors

Another way to enjoy seasonal flavors is with hot tea. Black tea flavored with cinnamon or chai are two popular choices. The strong, aromatic spices bring in the positive vibes of this time of year. Warming you with their scent and flavor, they brighten even the cloudiest winter day.

Don’t forget immune enhancers and herbal teas. These are great for helping employees stay healthy during the holidays and cold weather.

Create a Happy Workplace with Total Vend

At Total Vend, we’re here to help you achieve your goals in your Louisville break room. We can help you create a unique plan to celebrate the holiday season with your team. From stocking your Louisville vending machines with seasonal products to offering free snacks or bringing holiday flavors to your coffee station, we have it covered.

Get in touch with Total Vend today to discuss your break room service needs. Call 502.451.0111 for help to create the break room your team deserves.

Louisville Sustainability | Eco-Friendly Break Room | Vending Machines

5 Ways to Bring Sustainability into the Louisville Break Room

Louisville Sustainability | Eco-Friendly Break Room | Vending Machines

People care about sustainability. More of us are going green, from the cars we drive to the products we buy. And this includes Louisville businesses. More and more workplaces want eco-friendly breakrooms. This helps protect the earth. Plus, it demonstrates their passion for the planet. Thus, sustainable break rooms can boost employee satisfaction.

Looking for ways to go green? Total Vend can help! Here are five ways to make your break room sustainable. Keep reading to learn more.

1. Add a Water Filtration Service

Want to reduce waste? Add a Louisville water filtration system. Employees can refill their reusable water bottles or cups. This helps them reduce their carbon footprint.

Plus, the water filter dispensers offer hot water too. As such, you can steep hot tea or instant coffee. The filtered water improves taste. Your morning brew has never tasted better.

2. Eco-Friendly Coffee Products

Every Louisville office coffee service needs cups, lids, napkins, and stir sticks. Total Vend offers eco-friendly coffee products. These are better for the environment, for example being biodegradable.

Want to learn more? Call us today! We can be reached at 502.451.0111.

3. Bulk Office Pantry Items Promote Sustainability

Louisville Micro-Market | Office Pantry | Sustainability

Employees are super busy. That’s why they love Louisville vending machines. They can buy snacks and beverages 24/7. Looking for other ways to help employees fight hunger? Consider an office pantry! Employees can get free goodies. This improves morale. Retention rates can rise!

Louisville office pantry service also supports sustainability. Take bulk snack bins. These containers hold nuts, candies, and more. This cuts back on individual packaging. Plus, the bins keep your pantry organized. They also reduce the spread of germs. There’s no contamination from hands or scoops.

4. Fairtrade Options

Fairtrade products ensure farmers are paid fairly. This promotes a better quality of life. Additionally, it helps them improve water and soil quality. Thus, they can avoid using harsh chemicals. This reduces greenhouse gases.

We are proud to offer fairtrade candy and coffee. Request them in your vending machines. Or, we can stock fairtrade items in your Louisville micro-market.

5. The Right Service Provider

Partnering with the right service provider is essential. This helps make your break room greener. Total Vend uses state-of-the-art technology. We can track and predict your inventory needs from our warehouse. Therefore, we’ll know when your break room is running low. Thus, we can make fewer delivery trips. This reduces carbon emissions from delivery trucks. Plus, your office always stays stocked!

Total Vend Supports Break Room Sustainability

Total Vend makes break rooms green. Our water filtration service reduces plastic waste. We also offer sustainable refreshment services and fairtrade snacks. Plus, our technology helps protect the planet. Thus, your business can do its part.

Want to learn more? Contact Total Vend or call us today at 502.451.0111. We offer vending, office pantry, micro-market, and office coffee solutions. We can’t wait to chat!

Happiness & Louisville Employees | Break Room Solutions | Micro-Market Service

7 Ways to Boost Louisville Employees’ Happiness with Break Room Services

Happiness & Louisville Employees | Break Room Solutions | Micro-Market Service

Employee happiness is a vital part of a solid corporate culture. When your team is happy, everybody benefits. People who love their jobs are more productive. Additionally, satisfied employees support each other. Thus, it’s important to improve office morale.

Employee happiness starts with a better break room. Here are seven ways to promote staff satisfaction with Louisville break room services.

1. Creates a Serene Space

Hectic workdays can be stressful. Therefore, give employees a soothing space to recharge. Add comfy seats to your break room. Cozy couches give coworkers a place to chat. To ease stiff muscles, consider getting a massage chair.

Calming colors work wonders. For instance, paint the walls blue or green. Let the sunlight shine in. Plants are the perfect finishing touch.

2. Increase Happiness with Specialty Coffee Drinks

It’s no secret that employees love specialty coffee drinks. As such, treat them to an in-office café! Add a Louisville single-cup brewer to your break room. This brewer makes coffee by the pod. Thus, users can pick their favorite flavors. Furthermore, single-cup brewers offer endless options. They even make tea!

3. Keep Hunger at Bay

Hunger puts an end to employee happiness. Satisfy growling stomachs with a fully-stocked micro-market. Louisville micro-markets offer lots of food variety. For example, fresh food, dairy snacks, and caffeinated drinks are all in the cooler. Candy and snacks are in the customizable racks. Then there’s always quality food on-site. Employees don’t have to drive to a restaurant.

Additionally, micro-markets promote workplace wellness. That’s because employees can pick healthy options. To demonstrate, they can buy salads or wraps. As a result, employees will feel their best!

Louisville office pantry services also improve employee happiness. Nothing beats free food! It shows your staff how much you care. Employees will feel more appreciated.

4. Use FreeVend to Boost Happiness

Free treats are always big hits! Ask us to put your Louisville vending machines on FreeVend. Employees can help themselves to complimentary snacks and drinks. No money is needed! This is perfect for special events or as a way to offer freebies at your next holiday party.

Louisville Vending Machines | Water Filtration | Refreshment Happiness

5. Host Helpful Classes

Top talent is your company’s best investment. Therefore, it’s important to support self-development. Host lunch and learns in the break room so employees can learn new skills. Or offer virtual classes with experts around the country. This improves employee engagement.

Don’t just offer work-related classes. Teach employees other valuable skills. For starters, offer yoga classes. Financial planning classes are also beneficial.

6. Promote Workplace Wellness

Healthy employees are happy employees! Help your crew feel their best, by eating better. For starters, you can have us add labels to the healthy items in your vending machine. This makes it easy for employers to pick healthy options.

Furthermore, Louisville water filtration services keep folks hydrated. That’s because water always tastes fresh. Employees can enjoy cold, crisp water. Or, they can add filtered water to hot beverages. Best of all, hydration improves mood levels!

7. Celebrate the Seasons

Spread some festive cheer! Decorate your space for the seasons. For example, hang wreaths or green garlands for the holidays. Flowers and bunnies are perfect for spring! Consider transforming the break room into a beach during summer!

Ask Total Vend about our seasonal coffee creamers too. Tempt taste buds with French Vanilla. Almond Joy creamer is another yummy spring treat! We also offer tea flavors and holiday snacks.

Total Vend Can Bolster Employee Happiness

Total Vend has everything you need to keep employees happy. We offer vending, micro-market, and office coffee solutions. Call 502.451.0111 to learn more!

Louisville Break Room | Office Essentials | Break Room Trends

3 Break Room Essentials for Louisville Workplaces

Louisville Break Room | Office Essentials | Break Room Trends

The right service partner provides the best break room essentials. Thus, your Louisville break room will be fully stocked with everything your team needs. From coffee to the latest creamers, Total Vend can transform your ordinary break room into an employee oasis.

Need more convincing? Here are three reasons why our services are break room must-haves.

1. Fresh, Flavorful Office Coffee

A top-shelf Louisville office coffee service is a break room necessity. For starters, caffeine energizes sluggish workers. This improves focus and concentration levels. Employees suffering a midday slump can get an instant energy boost. Additionally, employee perks, like coffee, boost office morale. Employees are more motivated and may work harder. They are more likely to stick around, which can increase retention rates.

At Total Vend, we are proud to offer a variety of office coffee solutions. For instance, we have traditional and single-cup brewers. Traditional brewers make coffee by the pot. They’re great for offices with large coffee consumption. On the other hand, single-cup brewers make coffee by the pod. Users can customize their favorite flavors. Furthermore, the coffee is always made fresh.

2. Single-Serve Options

Offices are bustling with activity. Employees are always on the move. As such, your break room needs to have grab-and-go options. Cold drinks and packaged snacks make it convenient—and easy—for employees to stay fueled.

Louisville vending machines make it simple for busy employees to nourish their bodies. Firstly, vending machines are always open. Employees have 24/7 access to food and cold beverages. At Total Vend, we carry many popular brands, including Dr Pepper, Vitamin Water, and Lay’s. Your staff can always get their favorite flavors.

Additionally, snacking has become more ubiquitous in offices. Oftentimes, employees will replace meals with snacks. Therefore, you should offer a greater number of options. A Louisville micro-market will do the trick! These self-serve mini-stores hold many foods and drinks, including healthy meals. For instance, fresh wraps and salads are available in the glass-front coolers. Best of all, everything is packaged for a single person. This makes it easier to eat better. 

Louisville Vending Machines | Break Room Micro-Markets | Office Coffee Essentials

3. Break Room Essentials Include Stellar Service

Lastly, your break room needs continuous servicing. Louisville coffee products and grab-and-go foods are great. But what happens if something breaks? That’s where Total Vend rides in to save the day. Our dependable technicians are on hand if you have any issues. We strive to deliver timely and effective solutions.

Furthermore, we’ll keep your vending machines or micro-market fully stocked. You have the benefit of refreshments for your team without time-consuming inventory or trips to the store. We’ll keep a close eye on your inventory levels and restock when needed.

Total Vend Has All of Your Break Room Essentials

Need fresh office coffee? How about single-serve snacks? Total Vend provides all of these and more. Plus, we back our products up with superior services. Whether you need micro-market or vending solutions, we can help.

To learn more, call us today at 502.451.0111. We have all of your break room essentials!

Snack Vending Louisville | Healthy Products | Workplace Wellness

Build a Wellness Program with your Louisville Vending Service Provider

Snack Vending Louisville | Healthy Products | Workplace Wellness

A Louisville wellness program is an essential part of building a positive work environment. From offering healthy products to providing filtered water, small changes in the office can go a long way. Employees need to feel good at work so that they can do great work.

Don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, we can help! Allow us to craft a customized break room service that encompasses your needs. As a result, employees will feel appreciated, perform well, and be excited to contribute to the company!

Keep reading below for two ways to enhance your Louisville corporate wellness program. Follow these steps, and you’re sure to have a thriving, healthy workplace culture!

Encourage Wellness with Healthy Vending Solutions

To encourage wellness, you’ll need to offer a variety of healthy products in the break room. Why? Because when employees eat right, they feel well and perform to their best. After all, the food you provide in your Louisville break room is the fuel that will energize them throughout the day!

Do you need inspiration for what to include in your Louisville food vending machines? Here are some healthy meal and snack vending options:

  • Salads, wraps
  • Boiled eggs
  • Greek yogurt
  • Nutrient-dense trail mix
  • Baked veggie chips
  • Beef jerky
  • Granola bars

Some refreshing items for your Louisville beverage vending machine include:

  • Protein drinks
  • Tea and coffee
  • Low-sugar sports drinks
  • 100% fruit juice
  • Flavored water

With these items available, employees will love their new and improved break room benefits!

Refreshment Services Louisville | Wellness & Water Service | Refreshing Beverages

Water Filtration Service

In addition to a Louisville healthy vending program, a water filtration service is a great way to promote a healthy lifestyle. Not only is clean water essential to wellness, but it also keeps employees energized and focused. Therefore, it’s important to provide employees with the resources they need to stay healthy and alert.

Your team will feel better and more motivated when properly hydrated. As a result, they’ll use fewer sick days, which is great for the company as a whole. Additionally, a Louisville water service is more eco-friendly. It’s a win for your company and the planet!

Strengthen Your Wellness Initiatives with a Healthy Refreshment Service

Overall, your employees’ health and energy levels directly affect their performance. Therefore, a strong corporate wellness program is a must! So, are you ready to take your Louisville refreshment services up a notch? If so, contact us at Total Vend or call 502.451.0111 today!

Refreshment Services Louisville | Water Service & Productivity | Refreshing Beverages

4 Productivity Boosting Drinks to Keep in Your Louisville Break Room

Refreshment Services Louisville | Water Service & Productivity | Refreshing Beverages

When it comes to boosting productivity in the office, your refreshment services can play a big role. No, we’re not kidding! After all, your Louisville break room is where employees go to refuel and recharge. Therefore, it’s important to be intentional about the products you offer. Stocking your Louisville vending machines with healthy options is a great place to start!

Not sure what drinks are best for boosting productivity? You’re in luck, we can help! Below, we’re sharing the best drink options to increase workplace productivity and energy. Trust us, you’ll want to know these!

1. Improve Workplace Productivity with Water

Staying hydrated is essential to feeling motivated and focused. Therefore, it’s important to have a Louisville water service available to your team. By doing so, they’ll have access to fresh and clean water all day long.

Additionally, a good variety of flavored waters in your Louisville beverage vending machine is always a great idea. Keep flavored, sparkling, and vitamin water available for more variety of hydrating options. In turn, employees will feel better, energized, and more productive. That’s a win for both you and your team!

2. Green Tea is Refreshing & Delicious

Green tea is a Louisville tea service must-have! Why? For starters, it helps employees stay alert and fight off fatigue. Plus, it’s good for you. No, really! So, encourage your team to sip on a cup when visiting the break room. We promise, your employees will love you for it!

3. Coffee is Essential for Boosting Productivity

Vending Service Louisville | Micro-Market | Promote Productivity

For most employees, a cup of coffee starts their workday. With that being said, a quality Louisville office coffee service can benefit your company and employees at the same time. If workers start feeling tired, they can always brew a cup in the break room to recharge. As a result, they can increase their energy levels, stay alert, and stay on top of their tasks.

Additionally, a coffee service also promotes a healthy workplace. Plus, your employees will appreciate the added perk. Therefore, having a coffee and tea service can improve employee wellness and satisfaction at the same time. Score!

4. Protein Drinks are Healthy & Nutritious

Employees need proper nutrients to fuel their workday. That’s why protein drinks are an excellent item to stock in your Louisville micro-market. Not only do they keep employees full and alert, but your staff will feel better too! Overall, the beverages your employees have available can impact their productivity, so be sure to set them up for success in the break room!

Looking for more tips on how to upgrade your Louisville refreshment services? If so, contact us at Total Vend or call us at 502.451.0111 today. We can’t wait to hear from you!